


图源于面子书  I don't think that this is a joke...you are abuse to the pride of a girl either a woman.This is a very nonsense joke if you thought that it is not harm to the victims.... We,woman either girls who does not your toy!No matter she is your who or your lovely one... Please be respect them and treat them as a normal person...get it?? The girls even a woman can do the boys or a male job with their unique ability...This doesn't no separation of a job either an ability between the female and male...Man can work,either a woman also can work,right??? I hope that the guys must treat your girl or woman very well and not going to harm their priorities. This is very important that a girl or woman should protect theirselves from being treat badly by the people who hurt you deeply... 我不愿看到所有的女性受到伤害,更不愿意看到女性被社会看不起,毕竟不是所有的玩笑都可以开,人人都有底线,我想各位要明白,现今社会虽然可以自由言论,但并非所有的言论都可以被人接受的。所以请各位说话前要多三思才能防止他人被言语伤害到。 因为所有的感受都还是要被照顾的。至于拿女性的课题来开玩笑的老师,我不会接受你认为的玩笑,毕竟这个话题是非常之敏感的,那你试试看当中被人侮辱的感觉是怎样的啊。 女生们,当你遇到这样的