
目前显示的是标签为“collaboration with Accesstrade Malaysia”的博文

Dear Influencers, Never Make These Social Media Mistakes!

  Dear Influencers, Never Make These Social Media Mistakes! We have established that having a social media account is all that you need to kickstart your journey of generating income through  affiliate marketing . To be honest, there are thousands of influencers who make use of social media as their source of income.  It is easy to overlook aspects that might be causing you to stay low on your numbers despite putting on gargantuan efforts. You might be committing social media mistakes that are highly likely jeopardising your reach and engagement.  Here are several social media mistakes to avoid at all costs!  Using Just One Social Media Platform Different social media platforms come with different sets of target audiences. If you are an influencer, you will need all sorts of target audiences to promote your product and convert leads to sales. For instance, if you are only active on Facebook, you are losing the engagement from the Instagram community.  It is crucial to be active on at l

5 Cheap Domestic Travel Plans For When Things Get Better In Malaysia

  5 Cheap Domestic Travel Plans For When Things Get Better In Malaysia The  COVID-19 vaccination plan  has been rolled out and Malaysians will soon get their doses. We are all excited to get back to normal and enjoy the simple pleasures of life like travelling,  shopping,  and eating out without fearing for our lives. While it may take some time for international borders to open for travelling, Malaysians can certainly think of domestic travel plans in the near future.  What’s more, with all the states in Malaysia brimming with wonderful locations and activities, it is not very difficult to start comping up with your travel plans when things get better in Malaysia.  Whether it’s budget travel or a luxury vacation, outing with friends or a family gathering, hill towns, or beach destinations, Malaysia has something to offer to everyone. Let’s check out some of the places that might excite you to start planning your travels.  Domestic travel plans to Penang  Penang is well known for its c

How To Make Money Online In Malaysia (2022)

  How To Make Money Online In Malaysia (2022) Photo: The Wall Street Journal Whether you’re a working employee looking for a side money or a college student looking for a part-time job, working online could be the solution to your ‘How To Make Money Online In Malaysia 2021’ financial needs. From this article, you would get some tips to smartly make money online, perhaps from  RM1000 to more than RM50000  per month. There are many different type of jobs available and many of them can be even worked as your side-jobs. Moreover, for stay at home moms and dads and for people who like to work from the comfort of their home and avoid office politics, you can make money online and make your life easier. Regardless of location, age, gender, and background, you can find work that meets your requirements and is compatible with your skills. Working from home is a convenient, hassle-free and liberating experience. You work at your timings, you don’t have to spend money traveling to and from work a