Dear Influencers, Never Make These Social Media Mistakes!


Dear Influencers, Never Make These Social Media Mistakes!

We have established that having a social media account is all that you need to kickstart your journey of generating income through affiliate marketing. To be honest, there are thousands of influencers who make use of social media as their source of income. 

It is easy to overlook aspects that might be causing you to stay low on your numbers despite putting on gargantuan efforts. You might be committing social media mistakes that are highly likely jeopardising your reach and engagement. 

Here are several social media mistakes to avoid at all costs! 

Using Just One Social Media Platform

Different social media platforms come with different sets of target audiences. If you are an influencer, you will need all sorts of target audiences to promote your product and convert leads to sales. For instance, if you are only active on Facebook, you are losing the engagement from the Instagram community. 

It is crucial to be active on at least three to four social media platforms where you can use it to your advantage to promote specific products to specific groups of target audiences. 

Your Profile Is Too ‘Selling’ Oriented

Audiences connect to influencers and decide to follow their journey if they find them authentic and can relate to them personally. As a result, a strong virtual bond and trust is forged between the influencers and their followers. If you are too focused on pushing products and your contents are overly promotional, it is easy for your clients to lose trust and unfollow you. 

Undeniably, your followers are your assets and it is important to keep them satisfied with suitable content. 

You Are Not Posting Frequently

The key is to continuously appear on your audiences’ feeds and to keep highlighting your own personal brand. Over time, your audience will automatically think of you when they need inspiration. For instance, if they want to look for fashion inspirations, and you have been consistently updating them with highly relevant and valuable fashion content, they will look for you first. 

However, make sure you prioritise quality over quantity. At all times, quality content trumps quantity, and your audience will value your high-quality and relevant content. 

Not Communicating With Your Audience

Influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are highly personal and have close contact with the audience. If you do not reply to their comments or see their complaints, it would feel less personal and the audience will have a tough time connecting with you. 

In short, constant communication with your audience will make you very relatable and it will naturally help you to generate leads and sales when you promote top brands. 

Ignoring Social Media Analytics

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest come with their own analytics. For instance, Facebook provides insights about the demographic of your audience, page likes, locations and activity. Instagram provides you with the gender, age and top locations of your audience as well as the times and days when your followers are the most active. 

These numbers will give you a perspective on what works and what doesn’t with your audiences. As such, you can experiment with content and figure out how to promote products effectively.   

Avoid These Social Media Mistakes To Generate More Income

These not-so-obvious mistakes might be the culprits that are pulling you back from performing to your highest potential as a social media influencer. Take a step back, re-strategise and make necessary tweaks to your social media strategy to ensure continuous income generation. 

Register at ACCESSTRADE Malaysia for more insightful digital marketing tips and tricks! 

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